Thursday, 26 June 2008

Genghis Khan – News?

I stumbled across these Genghis Khan related items and thought they were noteworthy:

ScienceDaily (Aug. 20, 2001) - An American-Mongolian research team has discovered an enclave of tombs, apparently associated with persons of high status, on a hill near Genghis Khan’s probable birthplace and near the site where he was proclaimed emperor of all the Mongols in 1206, according to an announcement made jointly in Chicago and Ulaanbaatar on Thursday. 

Not exactly news but it lead me to a series of press releases from the University of University of Chicago:

  1. Following footsteps of Genghis Khan, Feb 1996.
  2. Tombs near birthplace of Genghis Khan, Aug 2001.
  3. Search resumed for burial site of Genghis Khan, April 2002.

I reviewed John Man’s book on Genghis Khan earlier this month and he mentions meeting an expedition towards the end of the book.  I think it was this one but I can’t quite remember.  I would normally check before posting but the book is out on loan.  I’ll check when I get it back

I also stumbled across this article from last year:

ScienceDaily (May 21, 2007) — Approximately 16 million Asian men can consider themselves to be Genghis Khan’s descendants, but there are no such men among the Russian population. These conclusions were made by Russian geneticists and their Polish colleagues, who had investigated Y-chromosomes with representatives of 18 nations of Northern Eurasia.

Both items well worth a visit.  The ScienceDaily site looks good but I was surprised that there wasn’t an easy link to an RSS feed.  I did find one eventually - ScienceDaily RSS feed.

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