Monday, 17 November 2008

Sir Thomas Holme's Book of Arms

I recently came across this in the British Library’s collection of online illuminated manuscripts.  It provides images from three sources known as Sir Thomas Holme's Book of Arms:

  • Anonymous verses on the kings of England, to Henry VI - numerous coloured drawings of English kings in armour and tabard, presenting a plaque with verses.
  • Military Roll of Arms - numerous coloured drawings of combatant mounted knights in armour and tabard.
  • Legh's Men of Arms - numerous coloured drawings of knights in armour and tabard.

Lots of large images available here with the Military Roll of Arms offering the best selection. Excellent inspiration for the early part of the 15th century.  Recommended.


  1. I just clicked on your link. Now THAT is a find!

  2. A brilliant link, Some of the more geometric designs should be OK for my War of The Roses in 10mm, with a small brush. Still in the planning in my head stage. I've got your battle of Towton info on file. Another great link.



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