Friday, 23 January 2009

Medieval Records Of Aquitaine To Go Online

On Wednesday, the University of Liverpool announced that:

“Previously unpublished medieval records of the English government of Aquitaine are to be made available online by historians at the University of Liverpool.

The documents relate to the period between the mid-13th and the mid-15th centuries when Aquitaine existed as an English duchy and tensions over its control culminated in the outbreak of the Hundred Years War with the kingdom of France.”

Full details are available but the bit I liked was this:

“The Gascon Rolls include records of how King Edward III and his successors prepared for war with France as well as episodes in the development of the war with conquests and defections on both sides.

The records recount, how, in 1346 at Crécy in northern France, blind King John asked to be pushed forward in battle by his comrades with their horses all roped together. This was a last desperate attempt to prevent his ally, the King of France, being defeated by the English. His last words were said to be: "God willing, it will never happen that a Bohemian king runs from a fight!"”

The only thing that’s missing from the press release is any idea of how long it will be before they are available.

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