I spotted these two interesting books in the list of recent releases:
- Richard III by Jacob Abbott (1803-1879), published 1901.
I spotted that this edition uses American spelling throughout (favor instead of favour etc) and that the author is of the opinion that Richard ordered the murder the two princes so will not be popular with the Richard III Society.
- The Ancient History Of The Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians (Vol1 of 6) by Charles Rollin (1661-1741), published 1850.
Volume I deals with Egyptians, Carthaginians and the Assyrians and is translated from the French.
As with all old history books, some care is required as significant new evidence may have emerged since publication. Nevertheless, they are useful when you need to look things up in a hurry as they often lay out the basic facts clearly.
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