Monday, 3 August 2009

MAWS – Six Pack Challenge

A friend of mine wanted to visit MAWS and play a couple of games of DBMM against different opponents.  He’d visited before and enjoyed the day and wanted to do it again.

So I managed to round up four additional players, making six in total, and set a date.  Sadly, the date I’d chosen turned out to coincide with my friends holiday!  Luckily, the competition went ahead as someone else was keen to play.

We used the 25 point scoring system in DBMM and played two 400 point games of three hours each.  All games finished within the time allotted. The final table looks like this:

Player Army Book Score
John Davies Catalan    DBM Bk4 46
Brian Pierpoint Ottoman Turks DBM Bk4 39
Graham Hutchinson Condotta DBM Bk4 34
Geoff Pearson Later Swiss DBM Bk4 18
Martin Stephenson Later Polish DBM Bk4 9
Dave Redhead Ghaznavid DBMM Bk3 4

Congratulations are due to John and Brian - the swarms of irregular LH (S) and Ax (S) really did well; especially against me.  Dave and his Ghaznavids enjoyed themselves and he asked if I’d be organising another challenge.

The thing I learnt from being soundly beaten (twice!) is that the Later Polish army has really only one chance early in the game and sometimes not even that if the PIP dice are consistently below average. 

Yesterday a combination of poor PIP and combat dice resulted in my opponents breaking through my line and swarming my commands whilst I was unable to respond effectively.  Methinks it’s time to consider the inert general option for the Poles.

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