The scenario and system is really rather elegant and applicable to more than just DBMM as you can see from John’s original design:
With John’s permission, I’ve hacked it around a bit to fit better as a web page and posted it below together with a print version:
If you want to see how the campaign plays a detailed report has now been posted. This includes an alternative set of teams. There’s now a also deck of terrain cards to add further variety.
The Balkans 1370 AD – A DBMM Mini-Campaign
This is a six player, one day campaign using three tables with fixed terrain layouts. There are two teams of three players and each team has a captain as follows:
Team 1 - The Catalan Vengeance:
- The Catalan Company (Team Captain).
- Lusignan Cypriot (with John Hawkwood’s White Company).
- Serbian Empire.
- Late Ottoman (Team Captain).
- Anatolian Turcoman
- Wallachian
- Rules - DBMM 1.0
- Army lists - DBM Book 4; 2nd Ed.
- Army size - 450 AP per army.
The opposing captains each roll a d6; the winner becomes the defending
Each captain records who is to play on each of the three tables.
- The opposing captains declare their assignment creating the first pairings.
Each player rolls a d6. The defending player adds one to their score.
- The winner chooses their preferred side of the table.
Players record their deployment and dice for deployment & weather as
- All games take place in summer in a warm climate.
- Time limit - 2 ½ hours from the first bound.
- On victory, or time expiring, VPs are calculated for both sides as in DBMM v1.0.
Captains rank their players based on the VPs gained in the first game,
resolving any draws.
The highest ranking players from opposing teams play on table 1; the middle
on table 2 and the lowest on table 3.
- Choice of table side is determined as above.
- Each team's VP score for all six games is calculated.
- The team with the highest overall VP are the winners.
- © John Davies 2009
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