Saturday, 15 February 2025

Messing With My Phone


Whilst setting setup my wife's new smartphone, I (re)discovered the delights of FOSS accessed via F-Droid for Android.

I know this isn't for everyone but I wanted to install simple, and ad-free, radio and media players. Having found suitable apps I had a look round to see what else was recommended.

I ended up installing quite a few apps on my own phone; not just the players above but a plain text note app, a password manager and a peer to peer synchronisation tool. I've been looking for the latter for sometime and it's allowed me to sync my desktop & phone without using a (costly) cloud service.

ADLG Player Aids

Since 2021 I've been using my own, two page, game setup sheet at competitions. I've even played against people who use it regularly too!

I keep a paper copy in my "rules" folder along with my army list, the official QRS, the latest errata etc. Anyway, I've reached the point where I'm only using the three main tables covering: the terrain choices, the terrain placement sequence & the deployment sequence.

I wondered if I could devise an electronic version that would fit on my mobile phone screen. After a bit of messing about here's the results:

The setup file should allow me to setup a game without opening my paper file. Given how complex the tables are I'm pleased they look a good as they do on a phone screen.

Also shown is a version of my movement options sheet. I did this because the original table structure was much more complex. I had to change things quite a bit to get a pleasant design. I'm not 100% convinced it will work as well as the game setup tables. I'll test it at my next competition.

Technical Notes

The file is written in markdown with a little bit of html for the tables. I use Markor to display the file on my phone (and provide the screenshots).

To install Markor on an Android phone you must install it via F-Droid and accept the warnings that Google displays: not for the "tech-insecure".

The file will work with any other note taking app that will display markdown. I use Markor as it does other things I need too.

If you'd like copies, get in touch via the contact form in the footer.


  1. Added the "Terrain adjustment" table because I can never remember the quirks of this part of the rules.

  2. Web versions of the setup and movement pages are now available via my notes blog.

  3. A page showing the order in which combat factors and modifiers are applied has been added to my notes blog. This helps with the ordering of things like 2HW, armour, missile support etc.


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