This post is about testing my new light box.
Prompted by other wargamers on social media, I bought the newly available 10" Puluz model for £12.99 from eBay with free postage.
My old light box was held upright by weak magnetic pads. It wan't very stable. This one is very solid and is easy to set up and pack away.
I still had to remove the background with some post processing but there wasn't much fiddly "manual" editing required.
The light box offers a lot of different options and I hope to find a setting that doesn't need any post processing. Time will tell.
Figure notes
These are a mix of Donnington Originals and Museum Miniatures with an Irregular officer for good measure. They are something of a side project.
They are based on 40 by 40 mm bases for use with Art de la Guerre (ADLG) as medium spear. However, when paired, they will do service as a 15 mm Midgard unit thanks to the black magnetic sabot base
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