Richard Aynsley has just posted his Britcon report on the Yahoo! DBMMlist and I thought a few of his points were worth sharing here:
"[We] entered Britcon primarily to get experience with the DBMM rules playing other people. It’s very easy to compound your mistakes and misunderstandings when you[‘re] playing in the same, small group of people and this was proved very early on in the competition. "
I think Richard has highlighted a trap for all players learning new rules. I faced exactly the same problem as I have a regular opponent and we learnt DBMM together. If it wasn’t for the experienced DBMM players at MAWS we too would still be “compounding" our initial mistakes.
Richard finished his report with a comment on the rules and some feedback on the DBMM for the Befuddled series of posts:
"So overall a great weekend played with good friendly opponents. I don't know about anyone else but I didn't have to call the umpire at all over the weekend, we also rarely referred to the rules[,] but I did make much use of Martin Stephenson's sheets for the Befuddled and they were a huge boon. "
Richard’s post led to additional feedback from William Coughlan again via the Yahoo! DBMMlist in message 75583:
“Martin the weekend would have an uphill struggle without those sheets … The new weather sheets for each climate were brill … Of course your best sheets were [those dealing with]grading factors and deployment ... S[uperior] grading in particular, mounted S[uperior troops] nearly everywhere.”
I am very pleased by Richard’s and William’s comments on the Befuddled series. It looks like they have now passed a major test courtesy of a dozen games in the Britcon DBMM competition. Great news!
Out of interest Richard came 14th with a Tamil Indian and Sinhalese army whilst William came 17th with a Seleucid army. There were 22 players in the competition. Full results are available from the BHGS.
DBMM guides for the Befuddled:
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