This post, the third in my "massive" re-basing & repainting project, involves neither re-basing or repainting. This is because it features thirty two brand new "New Era" figures from Ancient & Modern (Donnington).
When done I aim to have three, easily distinguishable, types of late medieval archers: retinue (superior/elite), regular (ordinary), and levy (irregular). These are destined to be levy (irregular) not least because they have a distinct Hundred Years' War look about them.
Most of the figures are from the "New Era" HYW range because I was hoping that they would match the Essex figures from an earlier post in this series.
Sadly, they are fractionally taller; not much but enough to matter when side by side with Essex figures. Also they are much broader in the chest. When I have finished I will post some side by side comparisons which will illustrate what I mean.
Having bought and painted a few samples I decided to order more to make the bases shown here. Why waste perfectly good sample figures when you can order more?
Ancient & Modern sell individual figures online so I had great fun selecting figures for this unit. I chose a couple of commanders from the Wars of the Roses range and I decided to add a few figures without bows in an attempt to produce a unit that were the complete opposite of the "mono-pose" Essex & Feudal Castings of the first two batches.
I painted these alongside the other batches. As I switched from one manufacturer to another I soon realised that these figures are a joy to paint. They have nice sharp folds and enough detail to give them character without becoming too fiddly. They looked good as bare metal but they are even better when painted.
Project Posts
- 07 Jan 2021 - Rebasing Thoughts
- 21 Jan 2021 - 15 mm Wars of the Roses Archer Command
- 21 Feb 2021 - Mission Creep
- 08 Mar 2021 - Rebasing 1 of 4 (Essex)
- 17 Mar 2021 - Rebasing 2 of 4 (Feudal Castings)
- 21 Mar 2021 - Rebasing 3 of 4 (Donnington "New Era")
- 24 Mar 2021 - Rebasing 4 of 4 (Feudal Castings)
- 28 Mar 2021 - Side by side comparisons
A lovely paint job, for which the basing does full justice.