The Waving Flag: ADLG: BHGS Mid Year UK Rankings

Friday 21 June 2024

ADLG: BHGS Mid Year UK Rankings

I have finally achieved a long held ambition: a BHGS ranking in the top 100 UK Art de la Guerre (ADLG) players.  Even better, I have just scraped into the top half of the rankings.

At the end of 2022 I was ranked 130th of 185 players which was my second worst ranking.  I managed to improve in 2023 to end the year 109th of 186 players.

As I wasn't playing much at the start of this year, my ranking slipped to 131st of 192 players by the end of April.  This was basically a quirk of how the rankings are calculated.

However, I played in the Northen League in May and did well.  It was my best ever ADLG result.  I was both pleased and surprised at how well I'd done.  Afterwards I felt I'd finally made some progress with ADLG and about time too: I've been competing since 2017.

It was satisfying to see the effect its had my BHGS ranking.  I expect this to be something of a high point because I'm not competing all that regularly, but it's nice to achieve something no matter how fleeting.

Full BHGS UK ADLG Ranking history.

1 comment :

Vexillia said...

My BHGS ranking history has been updated.  See link in the post.

Salute The Flag

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