This is a list of hobby blogs that I follow. Most have stood the test of time but some are brand new. Some have lapsed and I still follow them in the hope that they will return.
- Blood, Sand and Steel
- Bucellarii
- Crac des Chevaliers *
- Drew Jarman
- Flags, Pennons and Banners *
- Full Harness
- George Anderson
- HeresyBrush
- Hinton Hunt Vintage Figures *
- Iron Mitten
- James Morris
- James Roach - Olicana Lad *
- Lair of the Uber Geek
- Nic Wright - Irregular Wars
- Nigel Emsen - Muskets & Springfields
- Nik Gaukroger *
- Rod MacArthur
- Shed Wars
- Small Italian Wars *
- Society of Ancients
- Steve Dean *
- Tarnowski - Medieval Eastern Europe
- The Hinton Spieler *
- The Urban Bunnie's Ramblings - ADLGR
- Tim Porter - The Madaxeman
- Wargaming Girl *
- Will's Wargames Blog
Starred blogs come with a recommendation for great content but one or two are dormant so check the date of the last post.
Last updated: 09:31, Thu 20 July, 2023
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