The Waving Flag: DBMM For The Befuddled – Part 12

Monday, 2 March 2009

DBMM For The Befuddled – Part 12

On the way home from my day trip to Ladywood, my playing partner and I were mulling over what we had learnt about the rules and playing the game.  One thing that struck us as a potential source of Befuddlement was an aspect of column formation.

In DBMM any group can form a single element wide column for 1 or 2 PIPs depending on whether they are regular or irregular troops. What new players may not realise is that the shape of the group is irrelevant and there’s nothing as specific as line to column changes.

The rule book contains some examples but the groups shown are standard shapes like the following.  The dotted line is for reference before and after the move:

So I prepared these examples to illustrate the point that it applies equally to irregularly shaped groups too:

For seasoned players this is old news but I hope it helps others develop their play.

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