The Waving Flag: Testudo & Donnington TYW

Friday 24 September 2010

Testudo & Donnington TYW

There’s been a flurry of activity on the Yahoo! FOG group after someone set up a FOG Renaissance group.  As you’d expect there’s the usually volley of opinion for and against, as well as the resultant pointless discussion.

I think the group will be a good thing.  One of the first discussions has been about Testudo and what else matches them in scale etc.  This prompted me to array some of my TYW Danes for this somewhat hurried photo:

All the musketeers are from Donnington as is the left hand file of pike.  The right hand file of pike are from Testudo.  Here’s a close up:

Hope this helps.

1 comment :

Iowa Grognard said...

Exactly the kind of comparison I was looking for, thanks!

Salute The Flag

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