The Waving Flag: Miniature Wargames Review Article Now Available

Saturday 26 September 2015

Miniature Wargames Review Article Now Available

I've added a link to my latest Miniature Wargames review to the articles page. It's a review of the latest book in the Osprey Warrior series about the medieval Mamluk 'Askari:

"I was pleased to receive a copy of this book to review. I am in the middle of building a 15 mm Islamic Persian army and have found the arms and armour of the region in the late medieval period both entrancing and confusing in equal measure so a new book was most welcome.

This slim volume is the latest from both Osprey and David Nicolle in the standard Warrior format. The book contains nine short sections including all those you would expect from the format such as introduction; recruitment; and appearance and equipment etc. The text is well supported by a handy, and much needed, glossary and an index."

Review of Mamluk 'Askari 1250-1517 by David Nicolle, Miniature Wargames, 387, 62.

Comments always welcome.

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