The Waving Flag: ADLG: Northern League (Manchester, Nov 2018)

Sunday 11 November 2018

ADLG: Northern League (Manchester, Nov 2018)

My third foray on to the Art de la Guerre (ADLG) competition circuit saw me make another trip to Eccles on a cold Sunday morning.

Date04 Nov 2018
CompetitionNorthern League 5th Round
ArmyLater Polish
Army listList details
Army number241
Army date1401 AD
ResultsOfficial results grid

As in the previous two competitions I was using a new army with a few troop types I'd never used before.  It promised a "sink or swim" competition.

Even so I had a plan.  I intended to hold the infantry command behind their fortifications forcing my opponent to choose between assaulting the infantry or, if they didn't want to do that, attacking both the impact cavalry & the impetuous knights if they wanted a victory.  It's fair to say it didn't work as I had my worst competition by far!

My army contained so many uncommon units that Mick Hood (the umpire & list checker) had decided to sit at the table next to me because he knew there'd be lots of questions. As it turned out this didn't happen until game three.

Read on for photos of my opponents, game details, and the results.

Game #1

OppositionRob Taylor
ArmyMongol Empire
Army number218
Army date1225 AD
My PostureDefender
Game time1:50
Attrition21/21 to 5/18

I hadn't played Rob in ages. As I've regularly played Mongol armies I knew I would need some luck to disrupt this army otherwise I'd be either out maneuvered or outnumbered and shot at.

Both happened as Rob wisely ignored the infantry completely.  Had I not committed and lost a general to a last-ditch combat Rob would have had to attack the infantry to win.

Game #2

OppositionGraeme Carroll
ArmyFrench Ordonnance
Army number234
Army date1481 AD
My PostureDefender
Game time1:30
Attrition21/21 to 7/20

Finally I faced an army made up of almost completely of Mirliton figures. Even better they were very nicely painted.  More worryingly Graeme's army were veterans of 9 or 10 competitions:

I decided to stick to the same plan.  Unsurprisingly it produced the same outcome.  Choosing to defend wasn't a smart move. I was quickly pinned back. My combat dice were atrocious at times but this just hastened the inevitable.

Game #3

OppositionRob Ashley
Army number42
Army date279 BC
My PostureDefender
Game time2:30
Attrition22/21 to 15/23

I changed my plan by flank marching the cavalry command.  It arrived first time and resulted in the sacking of Rob's camp.  I picked up a few other units as I "rampaged" behind the Selucid front line.

Rob's advanced quickly and he ended up being the first to assault the infantry fortifications and deserved the win for that alone.

Here's some photos of the room. The first is of the early morning set up and the second is during a mid game break (for me anyway):

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