The Waving Flag: Muskets & Springfields (ACW)

Thursday 27 April 2023

Muskets & Springfields (ACW)

In 2020 I collaborated with Nigel Emsen on his ACW rules Rebels & Yankees.  Mainly, I was indulging my penchant for rules editing and table tweaking.

In the intervening years, Nigel has proved to be a constant source of innovation.  His output is prodigious and he now has quite a portfolio on Wargame Vault.  It's a mixture of free and "pay what you want" downloads covering many periods.  It is well worth a look.

New rules
His latest project is a commercial set of scale agnostic, grid based ACW rules: "Muskets & Springfields". It was published earlier this month and was launched last weekend at Salute 50.  

I'm pleased to say that I made a small contribution to the finished book: a few of my painted 15 mm ACW figures feature amongst the text.  You can see the originals here.  I'm looking forward to receiving my copy later this week.

The rules are currently available with £5.00 off the £25.00 RRP, and free delivery, from the Helion website.

1 comment :

Jonathan Freitag said...

These rules arrived in yesterday's post. Beautiful samples of your work adorn the book.

Salute The Flag

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