The Waving Flag: Miniature Wargames Review Article Now Available

Monday 14 December 2015

Miniature Wargames Review Article Now Available

I've added a link to my latest Miniature Wargames review to the articles page. It's a review of the latest book from Pen & Sword about the Mongols:

"When I was told I was going to receive a review copy of this book I must confess I was really pleased.  The Mongols have always fascinated me and I have spent many happy hours building Mongol armies.   I was curious to see what, if anything, new would be revealed in this volume from Chris Peers.

When the book arrived I was immediately struck by how well organised it was.  The inclusion of a full time line, a genealogy for Genghis Khan’s family, and a who’s who’s in thirteenth century Mongolia ensured I would be using the book for reference in the future.

All books on the Mongols suffer from a lack of contemporary sources and the author generally does a good job in explaining how this paucity limits what can be said with certainty"

Review of Genghis Khan And The Mongol War Machine by Chris Peers, Miniature Wargames, 389, 60-61. (original article)

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