The Waving Flag: I Used To Be Mystified Now I'm Addled

Friday 10 November 2017

I Used To Be Mystified Now I'm Addled

In October 2010 I changed my main ancient and medieval wargames rules from DBMM to Field of Glory (FOG).  As of this month I have switched again.  This time from FOG to Art de la Guerre (ADLG).

This has been a long time coming: I bought my ADLG rule book in September 2016 after looking for a copy for over a year.

When I started this blog many of the most popular posts formed the DBMM for the Befuddled series in which I tried to untangle, explain and illustrate how the rules worked.  Despite being for DBMM v1 the posts remain popular.

I started a fresh series of posts about my experience with the FOG rules: FOG for the Mystified.  In fairness there was a lot less to untangle with FOG and the series has proved both less extensive and less popular.

Now that I've begun to explore the delightful world of ADLG I thought I'd stick to the pattern and start a new series: ADLG for the Addled.  There's now a "Addled" label in the right hand column of labels for ease of access now and in the future.

I think this will be a worthwhile exercise as my recent experience has shown me that there's a lot of detail to learn with ADLG plus the rule book is somewhat fragmented.

Stay tuned for the next in the series which will feature an update of my "process sheets" and some experimental "unit cards".

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