The Waving Flag: ADLG: BHGS Year End UK Rankings

Friday 27 January 2023

ADLG: BHGS Year End UK Rankings

I'm writing this during a break in the seemingly endless decorating and is about as close to wargaming as I'm going to get until the end of February.

Anyway, the BHGS released the 2022 UK rankings for ADLG (Art de la Guerre); a year in which I managed three competitions.  I hoped I'd managed to stabilise my ranking.

As the table shows I failed to trouble the top ten yet again.  I may have stabilised my ranking but only if 130th of 185 counts as stability.  Maybe not.

Once the decorating and the DIY calms down a touch I hope to be more active in 2023.  Perhaps then my ranking will improve.  Let's see.

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