I doubt I’ll get to use it again and it’s time to pass it on to a good home.
In some ways selling my copy of the rule book marks another transition in my wargaming. Although it’s not really a recent one:
- Apr 2010 - I played my first ever game of FOG AM v1.
- Sep 2013 - FOG AM v2 released but I switched to FOG Renaissance.
- Oct 2015 – I used FOG R to play medieval games.
On reflection it’s the same as my switch from DBA to DBMM, and from DBMM to FOG AM, only I haven’t really decided where to go next. Perhaps Art de la Guerre (ADLG) will tempt me back. Who knows?
The real question is do you still have your DBMM books and whenwill you be rejoining the one true faith ;)
Seriously though - play what you enjoy!
Yes I do and it's not that likely.
From what I've read of DBMM 2.1 people are still arguing about, or trying to fiddle a free move to contact with, (take your pick) spontaneous advance despite PB's best efforts.
Or you can rejoin the band of "One True Gamers" and return to DBM v3.2 as currently played extensively across the southern half or England and Wales! :-)
Bloody hell! Two "one true games"? I don't believe it!
Looks like I'd have to move house to play DBM so it's not on either.
Now sold.
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