The Waving Flag: 15 mm War of the Roses Commanders - Redux

Monday 3 May 2021

15 mm War of the Roses Commanders - Redux

This is another post showcasing another set of command bases for my Tudor army at Bosworth.  I already have a second set of mounted commanders based for Art de la Guerre (ADLG) but I felt the need(?) for some commanders on foot.  Any excuse to re-use the flags I created.

I chose Essex Miniatures for the commanders to be based on 40 by 15 mm bases because I wanted some bases with flags upright but I also wanted to experiment with the "new trend" in ADLG command bases with a 40 mm round base.

Henry Tudor consulting with John De Vere and his retinue commander.

As you can see, for the latter I decided to use the Donnington "New Era" figures.  Not least because they have an extensive range for the Wars of the Roses and because I really enjoyed painting the archers I bought earlier this year.

One note on heraldry.  I used John de Vere's family coat of arms (shown right) on his tabard not his full coat of arms.

The latter is quartered and far too complex to even suggest in 15 mm.  Then again a simple design would have really stood out on the battlefield.

Here are the all round photos:



The bases are craft supply plywood rounds with added magnetic vinyl.  As a result I decided to edge the base in black which looks very stylish.  If I was starting this army afresh I'd do this for all the bases.

I bought a few too many figures from Donnington and decided to make a retinue commander base.

Here's the full set of "conventional", or DBx based, commanders using Essex Miniatures MER36 & 41:

I think I might have enough command bases now.  Although I may be tempted to add two more bases with heraldic flags for Oxford (left) and ap Thomas (right).  However, they will have to wait until I'm ready to place another order with Essex Miniatures.

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