The Waving Flag: ADLG: V4 Rulebook Gets The Chop

Monday 10 May 2021

ADLG: V4 Rulebook Gets The Chop

I no longer own just one rulebook for Art de la Guerre (ADLG) V4.  I own two!  Strictly speaking I now own two "halves".

Four years ago I decided that ADLG V3 was too heavy to cart around and the binding was never going to survive use in games.  I therefore used the services of my local print shop to split the book in two and re-bind with wire spirals.

ADLG V4 is an even bigger book so this morning it received the same treatment.  I'm really pleased with my new, slim rule book.

The new plastic covers are frosted so the covers aren't crystal clear in the photograph above but look swish in real life. 

Of course the major benefit is that both parts now lie flat.  Even so the list book is still thick enough to require careful handling.  I think it is close to the page limit for this type of binding.

The only downside was the expense.  I first did this in 2007 with DBMM and it cost me £5.20 for one book.  In 2017 ADLG v3 cost me £7.00.  Today I paid £12.00.  That's inflation for you.

I suspect I would have paid a bit less if I'd been able to use the same firm that did DBMM & ADLG V3 but they closed down a few months ago; another victim of the Covid 19 pandemic.

I'm pleased with the results and I'm looking forward to reading the rules without worrying about the binding splitting.


Drew Jarman said...

from experience over the years with these bindings they book will last a fair while BUT the wire will slowly destroy the paper and they will eventually succumb for wear and tear. Depending on the original paper size if its A4 plus the gutter space you could have trimmed it down and put the pages inside A4 Plastic Pockets and a ring binder.

Vexillia said...

It could happen as you say but I'm obviously more gentle with my books. My split copy of V3 is still OK after 4 years. As for putting 273 pages in individual A4 pockets; no chance.

Backpackbrewer said...

I may end up doing the same with mine!

Vexillia said...

You won't regret it if you do.

Backpackbrewer said...

off to the local printers to get a quote...

Pick of Penang said...

Definitely doing this. I see the book falling apart within 12 months if I don't and I really don't want to carry the army lists around.

Salute The Flag

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